Here are instructions on how to restore your Base Node using a snapshot:

In the home directory of your Base Node, create a folder named geth-data. If you already have this folder, remove it to clear the existing state and then recreate it. Next, run the following code and wait for the operation to complete.

Testnet (Full)

wget <$>(curl <>)

Testnet (Archive)

wget <$>(curl <>)

Mainnet (Full)

wget <$>(curl <>)

Mainnet (Archive)

wget <$>(curl <>)

You’ll then need to untar the downloaded snapshot and place the geth subfolder inside of the archive in the geth-data folder.

Make sure you’re in the root of your Base node folder and start your node.

cd ..
docker compose up --build

Your node should begin syncing from the last block in the snapshot.

Check the latest block to make sure you’re syncing from the snapshot and that it restored correctly:

curl -d '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["latest",false]}' \\
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" <http://localhost:8545>

If so, you can remove the snapshot archive that you downloaded.

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